Deuteronomy 15 - 10.27.21


Deuteronomy 15:7-8

If anyone is poor among your fellow Israelites in any of the towns of the land the Lord your God is giving you, do not be hardhearted or tightfisted toward them. Rather, be openhearted and freely lend them whatever they need.


Although this chapter is another chapter that simply lays out the law of the Israelites during this time, the premise of giving is still a valuable one today. In addition, giving is not something that is to be seen as a chore but rather something that is done from the heart.


Again, I realize that this passage is a continuation of the laws of the Israelites, but I really like the sentiment of giving in this passage. It highlights the heart attitude of what giving should be. First of all, I think that it is extremely ironic that it says to “freely lend” because giving inherently means there is a cost. The cost of giving is different for everyone, but it is a cost that must be observed and “freely given.” That sentiment of “free” I think is in correspondence to the attitude behind our sentiment. That is, giving should be done from a place of not expecting anything in return. 

I have to be completely honest, when it comes to money I really am the most frugal person you will ever meet. It is not a good thing. I used to think it was, but as time goes on I realize it is somewhat selfish. So imagine my frustration when my dad asks me to buy lunch for him out of “the goodness of my heart.” Quite honestly when I “lend” him lunch I am not doing it for “free.” The attitude behind my sentiment is more often than not negative, as I am expecting that he pays for my lunch next time. That being said, this verse is a perfect reminder to check my heart when giving (especially when I am giving financially). 

Life Application

Maybe you aren’t like me, and you love to lavish all the blessings on people no matter the cost. To that I say: good for you! But to those of you who approach giving in a tightfisted manner, I challenge you to take someone to lunch today and you pay for them (and expect nothing in return). I know its tough, but good things in life are often difficult but really rewarding.

-Allison Khan

P.S. Dad you actually owe me lunch. 😀


Revelation 9 10.28.21


Deuteronomy 14