Revelation 9 10.28.21
“And out of the smoke appeared locusts swarming onto the earth, and they were given authority like that of scorpions to inflict pain. They were told not to harm the grass, or any green growth or any tree, but only to afflict those who did NOT have the seal of God on their foreheads.”
As the Fifth Angel sounded his trumpet a “woe” is unleashed upon the earth such as has never been experienced. God has given His Authority for demons to be unleashed from the bottomless pit in order to accomplish His Perfect Will. It’s hard to imagine that God would not only permit this but that it is actually part of His Divine Will. However, a closer look into these verses demonstrates that even in the midst of this season of God’s Judgement falling on the earth—God in His Mercy permits time for repentance.
These demons will swarm the earth like locusts. They are given permission to torment every living person who does NOT have the Seal of God on their foreheads. The pain they inflict—lasting a period of 5-months—will be SO severe that people will “seek” death…but will not be able to end their own misery. “Death will evade them” (Rev. 9:6).
Hell and The Bottomless Pit are Not a Myth or fairytale.
When the shaft of the Bottomless Pit is opened...a thick black blanket of smoke rises out of it like the smoke from a giant fiery furnace. Even the sun and entire atmosphere will be darkened with the thick black smoke that plumes into the air as it rises open shaft to release these demons.
In Matthew 8:28 you can read about Jesus encounter to release a man from demonic power overtaken him named legion. They clearly understood and gravely feared the bottomless pit as they pleaded with Jesus NOT to send them there.
The bottomless Pit is referenced in God’s word as a holding place reserved specifically for fallen angels who are bound and awaiting final judgement. Some bible scholars believe the bottomless pit to be positioned below hades/hell where people who refuse Christ as Savior and Lord go. Regardless of it’s position, the bottomless pit and hell are very real places which Jesus acknowledged and spoke about.
It saddens me and puzzles me to hear people say that they will be “Partying with their friends in hell”. What are they imagining? The bible speaks of no party in hell. Only deep deep sorrow, torment and painful regret. Such is the story that Jesus shares of “The Rich Man” when he literally begged for one finger’s dip of water from Lazarus to cool his tongue AND pleaded for a witness to go warn his brothers so they would not end up where he is (Luke 16:19).
The GOOD NEWS of God’s very Great Love for us.
The truth is…some will reject the gospel...but there are many who still have not heard it. Jesus saved us “To be His Witnesses”. We are called with a Purpose to share the gospel and make disciples everywhere we go. At DSC we are committed to this. We are Christ Followers, We are a Family, and we are a Multiplying Movement.
“For here is the way God LOVED the world—he gave his only, unique Son as a gift. So now everyone who believes in him will never perish but experience everlasting life.” (John 3:16)
Dearest Lord Jesus,
You say the harvest is RIPE but to pray for more workers. Father I pray you will send More workers into the field whose hearts will burn with your love. May we have a glimpse of the realities of hell that we would have a very real heart for no one to suffer hell when you paid the price for our punishment. Give me courage and boldness to hear and obey your calling and open my mouth wherever and whenever you speak to me. In your holy name I pray. amen.
Tina Kudelka