Ezekiel 18 - 8.25.23


Ezekiel 18:32

For I take no pleasure in the death of anyone, declares the Sovereign Lord. Repent and live!


God is informing the people of Israel what his justice looks like. He refuses to punish people for sins their parents committed or reward people for righteous acts their parents did. Every person will stand on their own before him. And then he goes beyond what his justice looks like to reveal his heart and desires. This is what struck me.

God’s heart is that no one should die in their sin. And it’s never too late, even for the worst sinner. He calls out to them all, “Repent and live!” It’s both a command and an invitation that reveals the heart of a God who is so good and eager to extend mercy.


I feel compelled to pray for those living in sin to repent and live. Especially those who, like the prodigal son, have experienced God in the past and served him, but have since turned to sin and abandoned their faith.


God, please draw people to you! Holy Spirit bring conviction of sin and grant them the godly sorrow that leads to repentance. Grab ahold of their hearts. Reveal your love and your kindness to them. Open their eyes to see you, to behold your glory, and captivate them with your love! For our friends and family members who don’t know you, for the people of Santa Clarita who are living in sin, please save them! May there be a move toward repentance that sweeps across the earth today! Amen.

-Levi Thompson


Psalm 135 - 8.28.23


Ezekiel 17 - 08.24.23