Psalm 135 - 8.28.23


Psalms‬ ‭135‬:‭15‬-‭18‬ ‭NLT

“The idols of the nations are merely things of silver and gold, shaped by human hands. They have mouths but cannot speak, and eyes but cannot see. They have ears but cannot hear, and mouths but cannot breathe. And those who make idols are just like them, as are all who trust in them.”



This is a psalm which calls for everyone to praise the LORD! It is a psalm that reminds us that the LORD is good (verse 3). It reminds us that the LORD is great and powerful (verses 5-6). This psalm reminds us that the LORD is the creator of ALL things (verse 7). It is a psalm that reminds us of some of the LORD’s many miracles (verses 8-12). It is a psalm that reminds us that the LORD is compassionate and brings justice to His people (verse 14). But the main thing that this psalm reminds us is that our God, our LORD, is real, and He is alive! All other things in this world pales in comparison to Him (verses 15-18).


Worship and praise the Creator, not the created.

It’s easy to want to judge how foolish those people were back then. I mean worshiping idols like a golden calf?! C’mon people! I’ll eat a calf medium rare! (Just kidding folks. I wait till my steak is full grown, but you get the picture that I’m trying to paint here). These people were worshiping created things, things that weren’t even real, things that couldn’t hear your prayers or praises, and let alone respond to them. How many times have we worshipped created things over our Creator? How can we put Jesus back as Lord over all?

God proved time and time again that He was real. He spoke and did things through His prophets and servants. He even came out of the comforts of His throne in Heaven, to come to earth and even showed us how to live. He willingly sacrificed His life on the cross for our sins. He conquered death by rising from the grave! And finally, He even left us His Holy Spirit, to guide us and empower us. I mean, what more can we ask?! What more does God need to do to show that He is real, that He is almighty, that He is sovereign, and that He loves us? We cannot disrespect God by worshiping things that just fade, rust, and aren’t even real. Give God the respect, honor, and praise He deserves. Give God ALL our worship!


Father God, I choose to worship You! Thank You for all that you have done in my life. Time and time again You show me that You are real because of Your faithfulness. Thank You for granting me my faith that helps me see You and all the things You have done. May You help me show and teach others about You. May You reveal Yourself to them. Open their eyes and their hearts LORD. May these people come to know You more by putting their faith in Jesus. In Jesus name I pray, Amen. 🙏🏽

-Moses Gaddi


Psalm 136 - 8.29.23


Ezekiel 18 - 8.25.23