Ezekiel 33 - 9.15.2023
Scripture - Pick one verse that stood out to you.
Ezekiel 33:31
My people come to you, as they usually do, and sit before you to hear your words, but they do not put them into practice. Their mouths speak of love, but their hearts are greedy for unjust gain.
Observation - What about this verse stands out to you?
This chapter in Ezekiel is filled with great reminders for us concerning the majesty and justice of God. This verse stood out to me because it has been said that we should listen to the Word of God and then do the word of God. God shares with Ezekiel that this is the current state of His people. They come to listen to Ezekiel, but they do not do what God is telling them to do through the prophet. I am reminded today of how important the below step is in our journey with God. Lord, may I know Your word and do Your word!
Application - How will you apply this to your life?
Let me do the word of God today. Lord, for my life application today I will…<gulp>...dance for you as it says in Psalm 149 “Let them praise his name with dancing and make music to him with timbrel and harp.” I will do this in the privacy of my own home and away from my wife and daughter. Forgive me, Lord in advance!
Prayer - Write out a prayer.
I am sorry that I have been so far from You. Please forgive me for not being filled with enough joy lately, Lord. I want to praise you and worship you this morning, Lord. Holy Spirit please let my worship both my physical motions, and my voice that I offer up to Father God and Jesus Christ this morning, let my worship and dance be a sweet smell unto the Lord this morning. In the name of Jesus do I pray, amen.
-kenneth lee