Galatians 3 - 4.15.22

Scripture - What stood out?

Galatians 3:29 ESV  And if you are Christ's, then you are Abraham's offspring, heirs according to promise.

Observation - What does it say?

The apostle Paul is speaking to a pro Pharisee group who were struggling to understand how the laws had transformed into something complete in and through Jesus Christ. Paul gives a very logical argument as to why salvation and redemption comes through Jesus by faith and not by the law.

The final major point the apostle makes in this chapter refers to our inheritance, our promised land, our eternity in God’s Kingdom. Paul points out that that promise was made prior to the law, a promise made to Abraham’s offspring singular.

And so our inheritance is not a product of the law but through a promise- Jesus.

Understanding - What does it mean?

Heirs according to promise.

When I was younger my immediate family looked so different. With my mom, dad, and brother at my side life was so much easier. I distinctly remember the yeses outnumbering the nos growing up. And as I entered my teen years and I saw my parents carving out a small business empire in the borough of Queens, NY, I remember feeling secure. I had room to screw up because I could fall back on my parents. I was kind of an heir to what they were building and doing. Although there were no formal negotiations I just knew, I just knew the way my Dad would speak to both me and my brother, that he would be willing to let us join the empire he was building if we so desired.

Abraham’s offspring both singular and plural forms of that word were heirs. They were due to inherit a promise God had made to Abraham. A promise that included innumerable offspring and a promised land. If we are Christ’s then we are heirs according to promise.

Life Application - How can I apply this to my life today?

As Moses and Joshua prepared to finally deliver God’s people into the promised land there was great anticipation. For yes it was a land flowing with milk and honey, but they would only be able to receive it through various trials and effort. As I continue to prepare myself Lord to enter into a similar promised land in heaven, I pray that you continue to watch over me as I go through my own trials. Help me to lean into my faith in You Lord. I am Yours. And it is my desire to be an heir according to promise.

I love you Lord. Thank you for the time I had with my father while he was still here on earth. Thank you for being an amazing Father. Thank you for being an amazing King.

In the name of Jesus do I pray. Amen.

-kenneth lee


Psalm 146-4.18.22


2 Samuel 16-4.14.22