Psalm 146-4.18.22
Psalms 146:3-4 NLT
“Don’t put your confidence in powerful people; there is no help for you there. When they breathe their last, they return to the earth, and all their plans die with them.”
Observation-What does it say?
This is another psalm of David. It is a psalm where he sings of how great and awesome the power of God is. We should not put our hope in people, but rather in God. After all, God is the One who put this universe into existence. Who else should we trust more?
Understanding-What does it mean?
Put our hope in eternal things, not worldly things.
“Think about the things of heaven, not the things of earth.”-Colossians 3:2
David had the right mindset that we should all take with us in life. Putting our COMPLETE trust in God and no one else! Who else made the universe, the stars in the sky, the vast oceans, the creatures in the air, land and sea? Who else can create the human body and all the complexities in it? Only God can! So why should we put our trust in anything else? People will fail and disappoint us. Our money and material possessions can be taken away in an instant. Our health deteriorates, but God is eternal and He never fails.
Life Application
In God we trust.
It’s a principle that our nation’s founding forefathers instilled for the people. It can even be found on our national currency. It’s something I believe our nation needs to get back to; Trusting God and instilling His values amongst ourselves. Imagine what kind of world we would have if we all put God first, followed His ways above our own and loved one another the way God called us to. I tell you one thing, it would be a WAY better world than we live in now.
Father God, I pray for our nation. I pray we get back to the old ways of our founding forefathers. I pray that we learn to trust in You again. I pray for the Church to take a stand and be the examples You called us to be out there in the world. May You help the Church, Your people, to lead the way. May it start with us and grow like wildfire. In Jesus name I pray, Amen.
-Moses Gaddi