Hosea 6 - 11.1.23


Hosea 6:6

For I desire mercy and not sacrifice, and the knowledge of God more than burnt offerings.


Our Lord looks at our heart, and not on outward appearances. He desires a heart that shows mercy and loves others He has placed in our lives. There is a place for sacrifices and gifts to the Lord. But the Lord honors and accepts it when it is done with a heart full of love and mercy. He desires that we seek to know Him, than bring him gifts. 


Our Lord Jesus quotes this verse in Matthew 9:13, when the Pharisees question Him about why He ate in the company of sinners. Jesus was full of love and compassion, and seeked out the lost. Let us pray that we become like Him, and intentionally and prayerfully share God's love and mercy with those in our circle of influence. Let us be filled with the desire to know Him more, and develop a love for His Word. Let us make spending time in the Word and Prayer, our priority everyday.


Lord please help us to be more like you. Fill us with your love so that we will be able to show mercy and love others with a sincere heart. Give us a desire to know you more. Help us to make time in prayer and reading the word, our highest priority. May our lives be a living sacrifice holy and acceptable to you.

- Asha George


Acts 23 - 11.02.23


Hosea 5 - 10.31.23