Acts 23 - 11.02.23
“That night the Lord appeared to Paul and said, “Be encouraged, Paul. Just as you have been a witness to me here in Jerusalem, you must preach the Good News in Rome as well.””
Paul is sitting in Jail late at night after a long exhausting day. He had just come back from a missionary trip where he had been prophetically warned that trouble awaited him—so it was no surprise that he was falsely accused and being tried before the Sanhedrin. Yet, Paul was human and in the darkness of night anyone can begin to question-what if?? Could he have said or done something different--would the circumstances have turned out better?
Paul longed to see his fellow Jews saved. And—it’s easy to see how the loneliness of nighttime allowed the doubts and worry to work overtime.
BUT—it was—in the darkness of this night—that Jesus came—
and stood by him to say, “Be Encouraged”.
Jesus spoke the exact Words HE knew Paul needed to hear.
“Take Courage” Is more accurate here!
Jesus said to Paul— tharseó.
From the Greek meaning: Properly bolstered from within which supports unflinching courage—Literally to radiate warm confidence!
It is the “inner attitude” of a believer as a result of The Lord infusing His strength by His inworking of Faith.
Anyone can be encouraged when everything is great; but the Christian can be encouraged when everything is rotten, knowing that God is mighty and wonderful no matter what the crisis or current circumstances are.
Jesus told the woman with the 12-year bleeding problem, Take Courage [tharseo], daughter; your faith has made you well (Matthew 9:22).
Jesus told His frightened disciples on the Sea of Galilee, Take Courage [tharseo]! I AM; do not be afraid (Matthew 14:27).
Jesus told His disciples the night before His crucifixion, In the world you will have tribulation; but take courage [tharseo], I have overcome the world (John 16:33).
Jesus told Paul to take courage [tharseo] he would be going on to Rome to share the Gospel. There was more work for him to do.
What Joy to the ears and heart of every faithful disciple of Jesus!
“There is more for you to do.”
More people to bring to Christ, more ways for you to glorify Him, more people to pray with, more humble ways to serve His people, more hungry to feed, more naked to clothe, more weary saints for you to encourage.
This IS what You say to each of us. There is MORE work to be done. We will never be done until the day YOU bring us home.
Your eyes are ever searching to and fro throughout the earth in order to strengthen those whose hearts are fully committed to You. (2 Chron 16:9)
Give us a desire that lines up with Your heart. Expand our minds to see past anything we ever dared to even dream was possible.
Help us to step into new territory with You Lord. Help me to “Take Courage” and be Infused by Your Inworking of Faith in My Life. In Jesus Name, I pray.
Tina L Kudelka