Numbers 6 - 7.16.24

SCRIPTURE:  Numbers 6:22 – 27


22 The Lord said to Moses, 23 “Tell Aaron and his sons, ‘This is how you are to bless the Israelites. Say to them:

24 “‘“The Lord bless you
    and keep you;

25 the Lord make his face shine on you
    and be gracious to you;

26 the Lord turn his face toward you
    and give you peace.”’

27 “So they will put my name on the Israelites, and I will bless them.”




Verses 22 – 27 is called a Priestly Blessing. The blessing comes after a lengthy outline in verses 1 – 21 on how a Nazirite is to live their life. I wasn’t aware of a Nazirite but found it’s a Jewish man or woman who takes a vow to consecrate their life to the Lord for a period of time. There were several people in the Bible who were considered to possibly be a Nazirite based on the vow or dedication they showed in their life:


Sampson, Samuel, Paul and John the Baptist


Although 21 verses are devoted to the Nazirite’s vow and what that entails, the Lord ends up blessing all Israelites and not just the Nazirites. He’s a gracious and loving God who wants to bless all who follow Him.


God’s blessing goes deeper to also “keep us.” This is a way of protection and watching over us in our life. His eyes are upon us to keep us from harm. I feel special knowing His love and care goes so deep.


The blessing goes further into showing how God is pleased with those who follow Him by shining his face towards us. My heart is so full knowing He looks upon me with a shining face and is gracious. How special we are to Him!


By turning His face towards us, this is an act of acceptance, love and pleasure with us. He then also extends peace. I’m so thankful He doesn’t turn His head away but towards me and the blessing of peace is given.


Another take away is this Scripture uses the word “you” six times. God is in the details of us personally. In Psalm 139 (which is my favorite life scripture) God says He’s intimately acquainted with each of us, knew us before we were born, knows when we sit down, lay down, and even what we will speak before anything is said. You are important to God and His blessings flow in abundance. God’s perfect peace flows when reading this Blessing.




I need to remember this Scripture and commit it to memory for those times I’m feeling low or discouraged. The reminder of how God wants to bless us, love us, is gracious, shines his face of acceptance and light upon us, is gracious, and extends peace ultimate causes me to feel so special and at peace within Him. God is so good and worthy of all praise!


Hearing the worship song set to this Scripture is the icing on the cake. Receive the blessing God wants to give you and His peace in this worship song:




Lord, I am so thankful for your blessings. You love us so much! You have always loved your chosen people – the Nation of Israel - and I also care about Israel. I pray and lift them up now and always. I also pray this blessing to the United States that this nation turns back to you. Help us to consecrate each day to you and receive the blessings you freely and graciously give to those who follow you.  In Jesus name… amen!

- Mary Oberg


Psalm 5 - 7.17.24


Psalm 3 - 7.15.24