Psalm 5 - 7.17.24
Scripture - Psalms 5
Listen to my words, Lord,
consider my lament.
Hear my cry for help,
my King and my God,
for to you I pray
In the morning, Lord, you hear my voice;
in the morning I lay my requests before you
and wait expectantly.
God does not expect you to put on a brave face or pretend to be happy in times of trial. Over and over in the Psalms, David sets the example for us, going to God and pouring out his sorrow, anger and pain. He is real and raw. Complaining and crying out, he lays his needs at God's feet. He sits before God and lets God work on his heart. By the end of every Psalm, not every situation is changed, but David is changed through his time spent with God.
I like to say, "You need to feel your feelings - for a while." David is a great example of that! But we can't stay there. We need to learn to lay our troubles at the feet of God and trust Him. We need to learn to trust Him even when we don't see anything happening. We need to trust that He works in ways we can't see or understand. Learning to trust is a spiritual discipline.
In the morning - David starts his days meeting with God
My King and my God - he acknowledges God's sovereignty, his supreme authority and power
Wait expectantly - spend time, learn to trust
By the end of the Psalm, you see that David's heart has changed.
"David began his devotions seeking help for himself but ended by seeking blessing for all the people, including his enemies. That’s the way our devotional times ought to end." Warren Wiersbe Bible Study
Thank you God for this reminder today. I don't need to carry my burdens alone. You love me and You want me to come to You with everything. You want to listen, comfort me, change my heart, and teach me to trust in You.
- Debbie Dunn