John 17-10.3.22


‭‭John‬ ‭17:15 & 18‬ ‭NLT

“I’m not asking you to take them out of the world, but to keep them safe from the evil one. Just as you sent me into the world, I am sending them into the world.”

Observation-What does it say?

In this chapter, Jesus prays not only for His disciples, but for ALL who would put their faith in Him. He prays for the Church’s spiritual well-being, he prays for their protection against the evil one, and he prays for unity amongst them as they go out into the world sharing the gospel of Jesus Christ.

Understanding-What does it mean?

Isn’t it comforting knowing that Jesus is on our side praying for us?

I’ve heard a Pastor say before that we are indestructible until God is finished with us. And reading this passage reminds me of just that. Not only is Jesus/The God of the Universe praying and interceding on our behalf, but I believe Jesus is cheering us on along our mission. And what is our mission you may ask? Our mission is to multiply Christ Followers everywhere (see Matthew 28: 18-20). You see, if the main mission was to just to become a Christ Follower, then I believe God would have just snatched us up the moment we accepted Jesus into our hearts. But like the verses I chose to highlight today, it tells us that Jesus is not finished with us just yet. Jesus prayed that we aren’t to be taken out of the world, but he prayed for our protection while we were still in it. Just like Jesus had a mission while He was here, we too have a mission while we are here. So wherever God calls us to be on mission, know that Jesus has our backs, He is praying for us, and He is cheering us on. And there is no place safer than where He wants us to be. 😊

Life Application

Aligning ourselves with the will of God.

‬‬I remember talking with someone who served in the mission fields. They were serving in a third world country, where crime was rampant and Christians were being targeted and persecuted. I remember asking them, “aren’t you scared going over there?” And without hesitation they told me they felt God calling them to this place, and there was no safer place they could be than where God wants them to be. I remember the comfort it brought me from them saying that. It reminded me that as long as I was aligning myself with God’s will for me, that I have nothing to fear. I understand that it doesn’t mean that I’m excluded from life’s troubles, (because even Jesus went through troubles), but I find strength and peace knowing my soul is secure in Jesus and He is with me every step of the way.

-Moses Gaddi


Psalm 86-10.4.22


Psalm 84 - 9.30.22