Psalm 86-10.4.22


Psalm 86:11,12

"Teach me Your way, Yahweh, and I will live by Your truth. Give me an undivided mind to fear Your name. I will praise You with all my heart, Lord my God, and will honor Your name forever.


David worshiped the One true God. He prayed that he would know God's truth. His desire was to walk in God's guidance, and he understood that the primary guidance system is found in God's Word. We have an advantage over David as He only had access to the Old Testament.


Integrity is derived from "integer" ( a whole number as opposed to a fraction) and speaks of the quality of being undivided.

Oftentimes when we pray, we ask God for answers and solutions to our problems. David did that too, but he also asked for guidance and direction. He was willing to seek God and obey His commands, and in return David was given specific wisdom and guidance.

The more we rely on God, the more we will be aware of the access we have to walk in His daily power, strength, wisdom and guidance.

David prayed that he would have an undivided mind. We must develop that singleness of heart to love God above all else. This new life that God gives us when we are born again can only be done by the work of the Holy Spirit. He has given us a new heart! As we turn from our sins and ask for forgiveness, God gives us new motives, new guidelines, and a new desire to follow Him.


I recognize that I am poor and needy, and that I am NOTHING WITHOUT YOU GOD! I am also aware that it is You Who guards and protects my life. You are sovereign, and Your ways are much wiser and higher than mine. Since You are alive, active, mighty, and in control of all things, it is always best to rely on Your wisdom verses on my feelings, thoughts, emotions, or on my own understanding.

As my mind often tends to go in a million different directions, I pray for an undivided heart that goes one way towards You Lord. I pray I will develop that singleness of mind to love You with my whole heart above all else!

-Robin Orefice


Ezra 3-10.4.22


John 17-10.3.22