Luke 10-7.13.22


Luke 10:41-42 

“Martha, Martha,” the Lord answered, “you are worried and upset about many things, 42 but few things are needed—or indeed only one. Mary has chosen what is better, and it will not be taken away from her.” 

Observation-What does it say?  

Jesus was addressing Martha’s complaint against her sister for not helping her with the preparations. Instead of working to make everything perfect for Jesus, Mary was just sitting at His feet, listening to HIm.  

Understanding-What does it mean?  

Martha’s focus on the wrong thing led her to become worried and upset. Mary focused on Jesus and her relationship with Jesus. Martha focused on the work she needed to do for Jesus.   Jesus is always great at digging at the heart. It wasn’t the fact that Martha was doing work for Him, (because working for Jesus is what being on mission means). It was Martha’s heart that was wrong. Her heart is what Jesus had to correct. Jesus pointed out that she had become distracted, worried and upset about many things. What she needed to do was focus on their relationship, just like Mary was doing.  

Life Application  

When we are worried and upset about many things, we must ask ourselves, “When was the last time I sat at Jesus’ feet in prayer and just listened?” “When was the last time I opened up God’s Word?” 

The lesson we learn from Mary and Martha is still very relevant to many of us today. For myself, when I focus on the wrong thing and put my works for Jesus before my relationship with Him, I get anxious, worried, upset and overwhelmed. However, when I fix my eyes on Jesus first and my heart is in tune with His Spirit, I am at absolute peace and calm.

Need true rest and refreshing? Jesus is the only One who can calm our internal storms. (We kick off our Rooted Challenge on July 20th at our Worship Wednesday at 7p. Come participate with us!)

Holy Spirit, Please forgive me for focusing on the wrong thing at times. Please continue to remind me (and us) that when we focus on You and our relationship with You, that all of our distractions, fears, anxieties, anger and many worries will dissipate. I pray that we would not keep our relationship with You hidden, but boldly share with those around us so that they could also experience the fullness of Your love, joy and peace too. Thank you Lord! Amen. 

-Michelle Gaddi


Luke 11:2 07.14.22


Psalm 26-7.12.22