Psalm 26-7.12.22
Psalm 26:4
"I do not sit with the deceitful, nor do I associate with hypocrites."
David knew the joys of obeying the Lord. He learned from the Scriptures and then passed on a legacy of wisdom. David took hold of God's Word with all of his heart, and he was determined not to abandon what he had learned, and he allowed God to show him how to choose His way.
When David said he didn't sit with the deceitful nor associate with hypocrites, he wasn't implying that he didn't associate with them. He meant that he didn't act like them. David devoted his life to God, and he realized that a person who clung to idols wasn't able to commit his spirit into God's hands. There was a stark contrast between David's total trust in God, and those who clung to worthless idols. David loved the Lord and was committed to giving God his first allegiance, and because of that, he didn't stay away from unbelievers. He lived his life demonstrating what a faithful person was in contrast to a faithless person. Because of David's obedience to God, he was granted protection and peace. When the lies of the enemy came against him, God defended him. David was delivered from trouble. God showed David that his cries for help never went unheard, and in the midst of David's times of panic, God brought stability. When David's life was in despair, God brought David relief. God's Word gave David the guidelines for living a blameless life, and he put them into practice. The joys and benefits of being God's companion paid off for David, and he knew that following God's ways allowed him to be blessed.
Thank You Lord that You watch over the way of the righteous. You are our caring Shepherd and our dependable guide. When we obey You, we have hope for eternal life and security. You defended, guided, and pardoned David, and You grant us the same requests as we follow and obey You. I thank You that You have forgiven our sins, and have shown us Your ways, and have taught us Your path, and I pray that we will be faithful back to You by sharing Your love, associating ourselves with non-believers by meeting their needs, and instructing them in Your ways.
-Robin Orefice