Mark 10 - 02.22.24

SCRIPTURE -(Mark 10:17 NIV)

“Good teacher,” he asked, “what must I do to inherit eternal life?””


What must I do to inherit eternal life? 

Jesus is heading out of town when a Young Man pursues HIM to ask a question. In many ways this Young Man is SO Close to his answer-and Yet he is SO far.


1.     The Young Man has a deep sense of Urgency. He does NOT want to miss this opportunity—He is  running to Jesus.

2.     Next, this young man kneels down before Jesus.

3.     The Young Man addresses Jesus as “Good” Teacher. It’s not clear why he chose to address Jesus in this way. Rabbi’s were never referred to as “Good”. Only GOD is GOOD. Jesus points this out to the Young Man in HIS reply. Jesus “invites” the Young Man to reflect on his Words- “Why do you call me Good ?”

4.     AND-Now the question-here is where we hit a BIG “speed bump”. It seems the emphasis of the Young Man’s question is “What must “I Do”.


Bowing down in front of Jesus, this Young Man had NO idea how close he really was to eternal life. He was indeed looking into the very eyes of GOOD-

in its Truest and Purest Form-the ONE and ONLY Eternal GOD. 



The Invitation—“Follow Me”

The Young Man asked a question, “What must “I do” to obtain eternal life?”


Unfortunately, this Young Man believed “eternal life” was a matter of

earning and deserving”. He genuinely believed he had obeyed ALL (the Law) the commandments. Jesus extended the same “Invitation” to this Young Man that HE had extended to Peter, John, and James. The difference is that they LEFT everything behind to Follow Jesus. This Young Man, who was also a Rich Ruler, did not want to leave his old life behind. He believed he was happy-though money alone never “buys” us True Fulfillment. This Young Man had another God—and he could not part with his “earthly treasures”.


Jesus had given the Answer to Eternal Life earlier when People were bringing their Children to HIM.


Jesus took the children [one by one] into HIS arms and lovingly blessed them with kind and encouraging words (10:16).


“Jesus said, ““I tell you the truth, anyone who doesn’t receive the Kingdom of God like a child will never enter it.”” (Mark 10:15 NLT)


Eternal Life is not a matter of “earning and deserving” as the Rich Young Ruler was thinking.


It is Simple Childlike Faith. 


“Believe in The LORD Jesus as the ONE True GOD and You will be saved” (Acts 16:31).



Lord Jesus,

It is not about us. It is about YOU and Your Goodness. There is nothing we can ever do to earn Your Love or Our Salvation. It is a Free Gift. Thank YOU for receiving us as YOUR Children. Thank YOU for Loving us One by One and blessing us and speaking kind and encouraging words to us. There is NO doubt we need a Savior. My life was hopeless without YOU and now it is HOPE-FILLED! Thank YOU that Your Invitation is for Everyone! God SO Loved the “World”. Help me LORD to GO and share this everywhere YOU Send me. Believe in the LORD Jesus AND be SAVED! Amen!


Tina L Kudelka


Genesis 21 - 2.23.24


MARK 9 - 2.21.24