Proverbs 3



Proverbs 3:5-6 NLT


“Trust in the Lord with all your heart; do not depend on your own understanding. Seek His will in all you do, and He will show you which path to take.”


OBSERVATION-What does it say?


The book of Proverbs is a book which hands out wisdom. And I’m not talking about the wisdom you get at the end of a meal in a Chinese restaurant as you open their fortune cookie! I’m talking about wisdom that was passed down to Solomon from God!...TRUE WISDOM! It is wisdom that is meant to bring order out of this chaos we call life. Whether it’s in our finances or friendships, family or faith, this wisdom can restore order and balance in the lives of those who are willing to humbly accept it and apply it. In this proverb, King Solomon is giving out his guidance to the young. Guidance that is pleading for them to trust in the Lord. Trust in His wisdom, not our own!


UNDERSTANDING-What does it mean?


We may think we know better, but we really don’t!


In the book of Proverbs, the wise person is humble before the holiness and counsel of God and the experience of others. The foolish are the ones who ignore the wise counsel and persist in making the same faulty choices time after time.


“The fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom, and knowledge of the Holy One is understanding.”-Proverbs 9:10 


I remember when I was in my early twenties I felt invincible. I felt bulletproof and there was nothing in this world that could stop me from doing anything. I felt I knew it all. I was steering away from God’s ways, and doing things my way. (Because who else knows what’s best for me besides me right?) Then life’s storms started to hit me. Bills, finances, friendships, loneliness, and uncertainty hit me. The confidence I once had in myself was gone. I started to question everything I did. I was stuck in a rut. Then one day I looked at my nightstand and saw a gift I had gotten from my dad as a teenager. It was a sailboat. And on the sail of this boat was inscribed the Bible verse of Proverbs 3:5-6. I remember praying to the Lord that night. I rededicated my life to God that night. I surrendered my foolish ways of doing things and began to trust in Him again. And let’s just say my life has been forever changed (for the better) ever since.

Does that mean when I rededicated my life to God that I was immune from life’s troubles? No! I just learned to “trust the process” more. I learned to seek His purposes for me no matter what kind of circumstance I was put in. I learned that even in life’s struggles God was always with me. He was using the situation to grow me, mature me, and mold me to be the man He wants me to be. I learned to trust His ways over my own. Because why not trust the One who has seen it all?


“I am the Alpha and the Omega, the First and the Last, the Beginning and the End.”-Revelation 22:13




Trust in God and the experience of the Godly people He has placed in our lives.


Thank You God for Your wisdom. Thank You for surrounding me with people in my life who taught me about Your ways. Thank You for my parents. Thank You for placing me here at DSC and the amazing leadership here that continues to challenge me to be a better Christ-Follower. Thank You for Your guidance. Lord give me strength to be obedient towards Your will and Your ways. In Your Holy name Jesus, Amen.


-Moses Gaddi



Proverbs 4-8.11.21


Hebrews 6-8.9.21