Proverbs 4-8.11.21
Proverbs 4: 23-24
Above all else, guard your heart, for everything you do flows from it. Keep your mouth free of perversity; keep corrupt talk far from your lips.
As Moses so astutely pointed out yesterday, the book of Proverbs is all about true wisdom (not the one you find in a fortune cookie). And here Solomon urges the readers to heed to his advice and what he has to say. Additionally, he spends this chapter trying to convince his readers to get wisdom at any cost. He closes out this chapter saying to guard both your heart and your mouth.
The mouth speaks what is inside the heart.
I don’t think that it is ironic that these two verses are found in tandem with one another. Whatever is in our heart filters it’s way into the tangible world whether through our actions or tho=rough our words. And although it seems like words are just words they have the power to build or destroy if we aren’t careful (ask any person who has been hurt by words). My dad asks us all the time: “How can sweet water and bitter water come from the same well?” He asked this in relation to our words. The short answer: they can’t.
Because the truth of the matter is, if Jesus has made a home in our heart then there shouldn’t be any reason that perverse talk should come from our mouth. I understand that we live in the world, but that shouldn’t make a home in our heart if it isn’t good or healthy. Instead, we should speak what flows from the heart. All of these include: love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, self-control, faithfulness, and gentleness.
Life Application
Let’s be heart healthy! And no I don’t mean by eating a bowl of Cheerios. I mean be watching what we say, and by letting wholesome words depart from our lips. Encourage one another, that’s always a good place to start!
-Allison Khan