Psalm 13-6.23.22


Psalms‬ ‭13:5‬ ‭NIV‬‬

“But I trust in your unfailing love; my heart rejoices in your salvation.”



David talks about how he doesn’t think God is hearing him.


David is going through the ringer here. You can tell by his writing that he’s really struggling here. You know, it’s easy for us, like David, when faced with hard times to look to God and ask “why?”, when we don’t get an immediate answer. The thing to keep in mind however, is the fact that God is hearing us always, listening to each and every word we say. None of it is in vain. David understands this and puts it in his writing, talking about his depression but then turning it around into words of praise. 

Life Application 

We need to remember that prayer isn’t always instant. Though it can be, sometimes it can take weeks, months, years even. But despite it feeling like you may not be progressing with your prayers, God heard them, he hears you! Like David wrote, we need to trust in his unfailing love, for he is always good to us. 

-Anakin Cerda


Psalm 14 - 6.24.2022


2 Timothy 2-6.22.22