Psalm 14 - 6.24.2022

Scripture - What stood out?

Psalm 14:2-3

2 The Lord looks down from heaven

    on all mankind

to see if there are any who understand,

    any who seek God.

3 All have turned away, all have become corrupt;

    there is no one who does good,

    not even one.

Observation - What does it say?

A psalm about evil doers versus righteous people and how the Lord will ultimately save the righteous - those who call on His name.

As a whole our bible reading for today is uh not immediately inspiring.

Second Kings chapters 21 chronicles the evil doings and spiritual failing of two kings of Judah. Both of them did not do very well in the eyes of the Lord. Psalm fourteen recaps the corruption of all people, with a distinction between all the corrupt people who call on the Lord and all the corrupt people who don’t. And second Timothy chapter four is ripe with warning against false teachers, fallen brothers, treacherous brothers and the apostle Paul sounding like he is ready to go be with the Lord.

Understanding - What does it mean?

Why is there so much yuckiness Lord?

Sometimes I read the word Father God, and I wish I understood it all. I may not need to know all 15 steps but I sure wish I understood the overall big picture better. June 24 is my birthday, Lord. I know your message is always filled with hope. But I can’t imagine a more depressing set of scriptures for me - Your child - who struggles with being a debbie downer. The only thing I can think of is that Holy Spirit is asking me to see you at work in the midst of all this yucky.

I guess when I think about it.

It is so strange. I am still recovering from covid, my energy is still not at full, I haven’t been able to exercise in weeks, and my stomach is constantly in pain. And yet today - I have never felt more clear headed, all my joint pain is gone, and this has been the most disciplined my eating has been in two years. 

Life Application - How can I apply this to my life today?

My response:

2 Kings 21 - both kings failed miserably - and yet God faithfully birthed our Lord and Savior Jesus through that same line of kings.

2 Timothy 4 - be on guard always - for the prize is the crown of righteousness bestowed by the Lord our God.

Psalm 14 - we all stink - but for those of us who choose the Lord we have a chance to one day stink way less.

Lord help me to transform my spirit and my mind. Help me to accept the yuckiness around me. Help me to let go of the yuckiness within me. And help me to always see that Your goodness is steadfast in the midst of it all. Give me Your power of positivity the kind that starts and ends with You and only You. In the name of Jesus do I pray. Amen


Titus 1-6.27.22


Psalm 13-6.23.22