Psalm 3 - 11.3.23


Psalm 3:3-4 -  “But you, Lord, are a shield around me,  my glory, the One who lifts my head high.  I call out to the Lord, and he answers me from his holy mountain.”


David was facing one of the toughest situations in his life, his own son was speaking out against him and working to take the kingship from his hands.  David not only declares the Lord will protect him, but also “the One who lifts his head high.” He is our glory not our position or accomplishments. The word “One” also stands out to me. He is the only one who can do this!  The one we need to turn to. 

For me it is pretty easy to believe God will protect me, even if things get rough. It is another to realize He will give me a reason to lift my head up, not drop it in shame. His glory will surround me. He is my shield. I can call on Him and God will answer. 


I need to not hesitate to call on God in all circumstances.  I need to make Him my shield by trusting his power and glory, not anything I can plan or do.  He will deliver me and His glory will shine. I do not need to be dismayed or hang my head and hide.  My self worth is in God and not my circumstances. 


Lord, when the world’s distractions come to get my eyes off you please remind me of the truth. You are a shield around me, my glory and the One who lifts my head high.  There is not anything I can do to cause you to love me less. There is no circumstance you can’t shine your glory through as long as I call on you and look to you for help and direction.  Amen

- Cindy Howard


Psalm 4 - 11.6.23


Acts 23 - 11.02.23