Psalm 31
Psalm 31:21
Praise be to the Lord,
for he showed me the wonders of his love
when I was in a city under siege.
Observation – What does it say?
We all have a go-to response when we find ourselves stressed out. Some of us tend to vent on social media, others to call a friend, others isolate, others try to escape by taking a nap or medicating with drugs/alcohol/porn/etc. For David, his go-to when stressed was prayer and worship. Whether he was experiencing great stress or whether he woke up feeling stoked about life, he would often write a prayer song to God. The book of Psalms (when translated means “song”) is a collection of these heart-felt songs, most of which were penned by David.
As David writes this particular prayer song, he is in great distress. He describes his current state with words like “distress,” “sorrow,” “grief,” “anguish,” “groaning,” “affliction.” Ever been there?
Yet, in the midst of his venting and cries for help he changes his tune to one of praise. He remembers a previous time he was in distress, how he cried to God for help and how God answered.
Understanding – What does it mean?
There are so many lessons here about navigating hard times, but 2 that hit me today:
#1 The best go-to is prayer and worship
“Don’t worry about anything… Instead pray about everything.” (Philippians 4:7)
I can’t count the number of times I’ve felt absolutely terrible, went into my room to pray, and I walked out completely transformed and filled with life and hope.
#2 Remembering reverses negative emotions.
When David remembered and recounted in prayer God’s help in the past, his distress was replaced with renewed faith and hope. Your emotions will follow your focus, so bounce your focus off the problems and onto God’s love and what he’s done for you.
Life Application
Set aside at least a few minutes today to pray and worship, bringing to God my concerns.
As I do, recount some of the times in the past where God has come through for me.
God, may we be a people whose go-to when stressed is prayer and worship. As we turn to you, may we experience your same love and transforming power… not just in our circumstances but in our thoughts and emotions. Fill us with peace. Renew our faith and hope. Amen.
- Levi Thompson