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Kenneth Lee Kenneth Lee

Genesis 46 - 3.29.2024

Scripture - Pick one verse that stood out to you.

Genesis 46:29-30
Joseph had his chariot made ready and went to Goshen to meet his father Israel. As soon as Joseph appeared before him, he threw his arms around his father[
h] and wept for a long time.
Israel said to Joseph, “Now I am ready to die, since I have seen for myself that you are still alive.”

Observation - What about this verse stands out to you?

I was drawn to this passage because I almost pictured a movie scene as Joseph wrapped his arms around his dad and wept for a long time as the Word says. It is a longing that I too have deeply embedded within me, having lost my father when I was a teen, and seeing this reunion play out in my mind sparked - something - in me. 

But as I grappled with my own version and vision of what it may have been like when Joseph and his father finally saw each other after all those years a stray thought hit me. Thinking of the parable of the prodigal son, I began to wonder if this story might not represent some of the emotions and thoughts that God the Father and Christ the Son experienced thousands of years later, as Christ walked on earth, died, and then rose again.

Application - How will you apply this to your life?

I think about the deep longing I have to be with my own dad, to see him one more time, and the mixture of grief over not having him here on earth and the relief of knowing he is in heaven, overwhelms me. When Israel see’s Joseph again after all those years thinking his son had died, he tells Joseph he can finally die, finally be at peace, knowing that his son lives.

Israel, the father, is at peace because the son lives.
Just like the Father is at peace because the Son lives.
And perhaps, like my dad who is at peace, because I found Christ, and therefore his son lives.

Prayer - Write out a prayer.

Grant me peace today Lord, peace like a soothing balm, that only you can provide. May my spirit rest today knowing that my loving father is and has been in Your embrace for all these years. And grant me peace this morning, because like Israel who was ready to go be with You when he finally found his son alive again, my hope is that my father is at peace knowing that the rest of his family found Christ Your Son, and so we too will all live.

I thank you for Your Word this morning. And I thank You the Father and Christ the Son, for what you both did for us. You willingly gave your Son for us. And the Son was willing to be separated from you for us. I thank You both for the greatest gift one could ask for, more time spent with our loving Creator.

In the name of Jesus do I pray, amen.

-kenneth lee

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Mary Oberg Mary Oberg

Titus 1 - 3.28.24

Titus 1:1-3

S - Paul, a servant of God and an apostle of Jesus Christ to further the faith of God’s elect and their knowledge of the truth that leads to godliness—  2  in the hope of eternal life, which God, who does not lie, promised before the beginning of time,  3  and which now at his appointed season he has brought to light through the preaching entrusted to me by the command of God our Savior.

O – Paul wrote this letter to Titus, who had been taught and nurtured by Paul, to guide him in working with the church in Crete which needed strong, Christian leadership. It was a step in the discipleship process. In one short phrase, Paul gives insight into his reason for living. The process begins with the proclamation of faith, continues with knowledge of the truth, which is then shown by people living in godliness. Paul wanted men and women to be mature in Jesus. This was his ultimate objective by which he evaluated all he did. The chapter goes on to talk about what an Elder should look like and their qualifications.

A – My application may be a little different than the norm today because as I read this chapter, I just kept seeing OUR church. Specifically, Pastor Gary, Pastor Levi and our Elders and leaders. I had such a clear sense of how pleased God is with our church family and how healthy it is BECAUSE of the discipleship process our church has been following for years. The intro to the book of Titus talks about the vacuum produced when a strong leader departs and the devastation it can cause to a church (or any organization). Having been dependent on a specific person’s skill, style, and personality, associates and subordinates can flounder or vie for control. Soon efficiency and vitality are lost and decline, and demise follow. A pattern often repeated in churches. When Pastor Gary left DSC, it was difficult and heartbreaking in many ways. However, as a church family we did NOT decline, or fall apart. On the contrary. Because Pastor Gary, like Paul, wanted us to be mature men and women of God, and because he was an amazing leader and teacher who discipled as Paul did, we clung together and are still thriving. He always led us by example, while teaching/training the younger generation how to become great leaders. He helped a young man grow into leadership and then handed his precious church over to him. That was not easy in any way, but that was great leadership! That man now teaches from the same heart as his predecessor and the church is healthy and flourishing. DSC continues to adhere to the highest standard for training and discipling the church family. We have some of the greatest Elders who truly care about and work hard for our church as well as another pastor who leads by example. I personally couldn’t be prouder of the church I belong to.

P – Lord, I pray you continue to bless this church you created. Help us to always be diligent in looking for ways to train up the new believers, to encourage one another, rebuking and correcting when necessary, and holding each other to the standard that has been the foundation of DSC for decades. Help us to always work together in faith, the knowledge of your truth, and by living the Godly lives you have called us to! Bless our leaders with your anointing, Amen.

- Crystal Flory

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Mary Oberg Mary Oberg

2 Timothy 4 - 3.27.24


II Timothy 4:2-3

Preach the word; be prepared in season and out of season; correct, rebuke and encourage—with great patience and careful instruction.  For the time will come when people will not put up with sound doctrine. Instead, to suit their own desires, they will gather around them a great number of teachers to say what their itching ears want to hear.


Psalms 1:1-2

Blessed is the one who does not walk in step with the wicked or stand in the way that sinners take or sit in the company of mockers, but whose delight is in the law of the Lord, and who meditates on his law day and night.


Verses from two different chapters in our reading today reinforce that we need to make a daily concerted effort to be grounded in the Word so we are prepared for whatever comes our way.


Now sure seems like a time when people will not put up with sound doctrine and instead look for the answers they want to hear. But I suspect that has long been a part of our sin nature. II Timothy tells us to be prepared - to be so grounded in the word and attuned to His voice that we are not swayed by the popular viewpoints of the day, that we can recognize God’s truth over the world’s truth, and that we can counsel and encourage others in that truth.

And the fact of the matter is we are not going to accomplish that unless we make an effort to study, memorize and internalize God’s word. Pastor Levi mentioned in his sermon on Sunday that some of us have no problem rattling off a long list of statistics about our favorite sports team (or in my case boring you with lengthy, detailed baking procedures), but we have trouble memorizing Bible verses. The fact of the matter is that we will spend our time and effort on the things we value. What do we delight in?


Psalms 1 says blessed is the one “whose delight is in the law of the Lord, and who meditates on his law day and night.” I want to be blessed with the peace that comes with the knowledge of your truth. Continue to nudge me and remind me to put my delight in You above all other things so I can always be prepared to give an answer for the reason for my hope.

- Debbie Dunn

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