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Mary Oberg Mary Oberg

Hebrews 12 - 1.30.25

S – Hebrews 12:1 - 3

Therefore, since we are surrounded by such a great cloud of witnesses, let us throw off everything that hinders and the sin that so easily entangles. And let us run with perseverance the race marked out for us, fixing our eyes on Jesus, the pioneer and perfecter of faith. For the joy set before him he endured the cross, scorning its shame, and sat down at the right hand of the throne of God. Consider him who endured such opposition from sinners, so that you will not grow weary and lose heart.


O – Our previous Hebrews chapter shows us many examples of faith in action. Those people are our great cloud of witnesses. They have already gone before us, endured much and came through victorious. They should be a constant encouragement to us to know we don’t struggle alone, and we are not the first to have these struggles. Like a runner who trains for the race, who gives up those heavy meals and sweets, and pushes their bodies out of their comfort zones in order to achieve their desired goals, we too, have to be disciplined and get rid of some “stuff!” We NEED self-discipline.

1 Corinthians 9:24-25 - 24 Do you not know that in a race all the runners run, but only one gets the prize? Run in such a way as to get the prize. 25 Everyone who competes in the games goes into strict training. They do it to get a crown that will not last, but we do it to get a crown that will last forever.


A – We will suffer things here on earth but Jesus suffered the very worst of it so we wouldn’t have to. Suffering is just the training ground for Christian maturity. God shapes and molds us through our earthly suffering as we squirm under pressure. There are several versus that describe God as a skilled silversmith who refines and purifies his people.

Malachi 3:3 - He will sit like a refiner of silver, burning away the dross. He will purify the Levites, refining them like gold and silver, so that they may once again offer acceptable sacrifices to the Lord.

We create much of our own suffering through our sin which can hold us back. But there are also things that aren’t necessarily sin and may be merely hindrances that can keep us from running effectively the race God has for us. We must get rid of those as well.

Our choices are not always between right and wrong, but between something that may hinder us and something else that may not. Is there a weight in your life you must lay aside? (Blueletterbible.com)

P – Lord, as Levi just so clearly painted us a picture last Sunday of paving the way for repentance, would you help each of us to know what things you want us to turn a 180 on and keep walking?! Help us to lay those little sins, big sins, and even the hindrances down which may not even be sinful but are keeping us from walking with you and witnessing to others in our full capacity! You want so much more for us and I pray we would lay those things down that we think are fun or that we can’t live without. And would you show us how much better our lives can be when we do that! May my life be an acceptable sacrifice to you Lord! In Jesus’ name!

- Crystal Flory

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Mary Oberg Mary Oberg

Hebrews 11 - 1.29.25


Hebrews 11:1 Now faith is confidence in what we hope for and assurance about what we do not see.


Hebrews 11 is a reminder of the great heroes of faith who have gone before us. The writer encourages us in our faith by reminding us of ways God has kept his promises. Likewise, we should be keeping a record of the many times God has shown up for us to encourage us to continue to trust and stand on his promises.


By faith we believe what has gone before - that God created the world, that the scripture is God breathed, that he sent his son to die for our sins and draw us into relationship with him.

By faith we hope for the future – we claim his promises, we trust him to meet our needs, we know he loves us and wants to work in and through us. By faith we persevere - even when we don’t see what we’ve been hoping for, even if it takes months or years. Or if we never actually see the promise fulfilled, we still trust that he is moving and in control.

“The challenge is ours now to do as the faithful of previous times did. The point of this whole section has been to lift up the necessity of persevering in faith especially when adversity comes. The Promised reward is reserved for those who hold firm in faith through all of life’s challenges.” Asbury Bible Commentary


God, please fill me with faith and trust in you in all circumstances. I have seen you work mightily and I know you will do it again and again. How freeing it is to put my hopes and my worries in your hands, knowing you are in control. My job is to follow you and walk in what you’ve called me to. The rest is up to you.

- Debbie Dunn

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Mary Oberg Mary Oberg

Hebrews 10 - 1.28.25



24 And let us consider how we may spur one another on toward love and good deeds, 25 not giving up meeting together, as some are in the habit of doing, but encouraging one another—and all the more as you see the Day approaching. 




This scripture is full of action words. We are to think (consider), spur (motivate or provoke) each other to love and good deeds. We are being asked to carefully plan, to be mindful of one another, and intentionally stimulate others to love and doing good deeds. We are being called to actively participate in meeting the needs and help with the spiritual well-being of other believers.


The other action in this scripture is to not give up getting together. Most importantly, we should not neglect coming together in fellowship in church and other activities. Interestingly it says “as some are in the habit of doing” which means not coming to church or being around other Christians can become a habit. Just the same way you can be in the habit of coming to church, the habit of not attending church can become a habit. It all begins with not giving up… don’t step into the trap of giving up trying, persevering, and being faithful to the Lord, his church, and the body of Christ.


We are also charged to do all these things “all the more as you see the Day approaching.” Each day we’re closer to Christ’s return means we need to be more diligent and purposeful in spreading God’s love, encouragement, and bringing people to church.




This scripture reminds me how much we need one another and how important the church body is to each of us. I have experienced the lack of this scripture in action and also the wonderful example of this scripture in action. This last Sunday is one of many examples from my DSC family. I wasn’t feeling well and couldn’t make it to church. Later in the day several sweet ladies reached out saying they missed me and wondered how I was doing. Their intentional action, and the many other times this happened in the past, has touched my heart, encouraged me, and spurred me on to love others – just as Hebrews 10:24 says. A simple act of a text, a call, a card, or visit can mean the world to someone. You just never know how much a loving act will affect others.


Verse 25 is especially important because it not only speaks to those who have fallen into the habit of not attending church, but also to us who know of these people and need to “encourage one another” back into fellowship. God created us to be social, to have relationships, and to need them because they’re an important part of our life. In the same way, our church relationships are an integral part of our faith and growth. It’s important that we take the time, be intentional, reach out to others who are not In a church fellowship and invite them to church. Your call or text might be all they need to spur them on, to know they are loved, and to encourage them back into fellowship with God and the church body.




Lord, thank you for your Word and the encouragement it provides to us. Thank you for your love and showing how we can love others. In that love, help me to always be an encouragement to others to spur them on to love and do good deeds. Please give me your insight, wisdom and words to reach out to those who have fallen away from church / fellowship, to gently and lovingly encourage them to return into fellowship not only with others but in fellowship with You. In Jesus name, amen!

- Mary Oberg

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